
the world according to Billy

I would like to introduce you to Billy. This is Billy. Billy is Holland Lop and is about 7 yrs old. He is my "son". He likes to drag socks around in circles, lay against things, sit under the bed, eat newspapers and follow his "mom" around. He is the best bunny ever. Ask anyone.

So now that we have that straight.

This morning I was giving Billy a carrot and gave him a little pet on the head. I noticed that he was getting his twice yearly mohawk. And low and behold...when I gave it a little tug...it came right off. IT'S SHEDDING TIME!!! Aside from the fact that I will be covered in rabbit hair for the next month...that means...SPRING IS ON THE WAY. Forget the groundhog...according to Billy...we can start dusting off the old flip flops!

Happy Easter....
xo carey and billy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Billy is adorable!! Are you sure he isn't a mini-lop?? He looks just like my foster bunny, Spencer, rescued by RabbitMatch and now living in the world's best home w his forever mom, also an artist. Billy is certainly putting his numerous taste buds to work!!