
Meet Dreyfuss.

I made my first ugly doll!

Ok, so about 10 years ago I got this really ugly green doll made by Scary Stories. I loved this damn doll, for no particular reason other than it was funny looking. And I would always look at it and think "I wonder if I could make something like that".

So then, about a month ago I bought this book called Softies. I was trying to find something I could make that would be just for fun and would at least get my creative juices going a bit. Well, after I started looking into these Softies I found out that there is a huge community out there of folks making these dolls. You can check some out on this blog.

So last night, while I was watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind, I sat and made my first ugly doll. After I was done, I looked at it and giggled. Mission accomplished.

Although Dreyfuss's stuffing is a bit wonky, and the slip stitch is totally in the wrong place, I still like him. I think I will make him some buddies.

Oh, and I figured it out...it cost me about 90 cents to make. If even that. For real.

carey xo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your felt babies - arms or no arms!